Vortex Cruise

Ana Bučević is the author of several bestsellers and the most famous motivational speaker in these areas, who has so far motivated hundreds of thousands of people to change their lives for the better.

The idea of Vortex Cruise is to give you clarity about creating your own life through practice with Ana, with a unique experience of merging with nature, vacation, beautiful destinations, education, relaxation, new friendships that will remain in your memory forever. The daily program, designed under Ana’s guidance, is a guarantee that you will get much more than expected on this Cruise. During seven days, daily morning meditations, exercises, lectures, outings and socializing will be practiced and laughter and high vibrations, which characterize this cruise, in combination with the casualness and relaxed atmosphere, will make this education unique. The program itself is complitely open to the agreement and wishes of the passengers on board. By choosing topics, Ana Bučević will make this cruise an experience you will never forget with her energy, knowledgde and motivation.

Galerija fotografija s Vortex Cruisa 2024.

MS Suzana

49 metara dugačak luksuzni mini kruzer ukupnog kapaciteta 40 ljudi sastoji se od klimatiziranog restorana (LCD i bestplatni WiFi), bara, palube za sunčanje i malog jacuzzija. Sve kabine su dvokrevetne (double ili twin), tuš/WC, klima, sef, sušilo za kosu. Kabine se nalaze ispod palube te na glavnoj palubi.

Fully equipped boat

Features of the ship:

Swimming platform
Outdoor lounge
Cabin features
Air conditioning
Dressing room
Hair dryer
TV in cabin

Cabin features

Air conditioning
Dressing room
Hair dryer
TV in cabin

Ship amenities:

Check In: 14:00
Godina izgradnje: 2021
Beds: 40
Number of bathrooms: 21
Staff: 8
Showers: 19
Lenght: 48
Width: 8.40
Berth: 500 BRT
Engines: 2
Comfort: air cin, heating, hot water

General features of the cabin: Air-conditioning, wardrobe, toiletries, hair dryer, safe, TV in the cabin
Boat features: Sun deck, Restaurant, TV, Swimming platform, Outdoor lounge, Bar

Cruise information

Thank you for signing up for VORTEX CRUISE!

Ukrcaj putnika na brod počinje od 11:00 h. Početak plovidbe u subotu u 13h. kabine će biti spremne do 14h.

Thank you for signing up for VORTEX CRUISE!

Ukrcaj putnika na brod moguć od 12:00 h, dok će kabine biti spremne za check in od 14h.

Početak plovidbe u SUBOTU u 13h sati.

Šibenska luka (adresa: obala hrvatske mornarice) – glavna TRAJEKTNA LUKA u Šibeniku gdje je i glavni autobusni kolodvor. Nažalost, točan broj doka neće biti poznat budući su brodovi svake subote drugačije raspoređeni ovisno o uputama Lučke uprave, no u luci će vam na raspolaganju biti naš predstavnik koji će vam pomoći ukoliko to bude potrebno.

Your ship will be in port and its name, SUZANAwill be clearly visible on the ship itself. Part of the ship’s crew will be in front of the ships to help you while boarding. In case of emergency (if you are late or lost etc.) you can call our emergency number + 385 98 9361 953 (Nikola).

Before your departure, pay attention to some useful information:  

The atmosphere on board is informal and relaxed. In most of the cabins you will be able to store suitcases under the cabin bed. In case of excess luggage, please ask the crew members where you can store your suitcases during the cruise. As for clothing, we recommend that you bring lighter clothes – shorts, a few T-shirts, a swimsuit, sandals etc. We also recommend that you bring a few pieces of warmer clothing for possible colder evenings on board (jacket, windbreaker or something similar). The ship is not equipped with diving masks, fishing equipment etc., so you can bring your own or buy during the cruise if you wish to.

The cabins are equipped with clean bed linen and two towels per person for the whole week. Beach towels can also be rented for 7 EUR per towel. During the seven-day cruise the cabins won’t be cleaned, accordingly, please, follow the special instructions regarding the use of the toilet.

Prva usluga na brodu je večera dobrodošlice (20h) na dan dolaska, a  zadnja usluga je DORUČAK na dan odlaska. Ostale dane doručak i ručak te jedna kapetanska večera su uključeni u cijenu krstarenja.


  • 7 noćenja na brodu na bazi polupansiona (doručak, ručak), 1 večera (kapetanska večera), večera dobrodošlice, Free WIFI, svježe voće, voda neograničeno (aparati za vodu), lučke pristojbe.

U slučaju da jedna osoba koristi dvokrevetnu kabinu, doplata za single use navedene kabine je 100%.

Not included in the price:

  • Izleti, pića na brodu i extra usluge

Iskazana cijena krstarenja je u eurima na osnovi vlastitog prijevoza od/do Šibenika

Napojnice su predmet vlastite diskrecije (preporučuje se od  70-80 EUR po osobi po tjednu za posadu i 35-45 EUR po osobi po tjednu za cruise managera)

Dodatne usluge na brodu se plaćanju posljednji dan krstarenja, u gotovini (euro). Kreditne kartice se na brodu ne prihvaćaju, kao ni u većini restorana na otocima. Bankomati se mogu naći u većini posjećenih mjesta.

Cruise program


Po dolasku u Šibensku luku, dočekat će vas naš predstavnik i usmjeriti prema brodu. Prijava putnika započinje od 12:00 dok će kabine biti spremne od 14h.

Početak plovidbe za Supetar u 13h. večera dobrodošlice predviđena za 20h. Noćenje Supetar.


Rano ujutro polazak za Makarsku. Doručak na brodu tijekom plovidbe za Makarsku. Stanka za kupanje u jednoj od prekrasnih uvala nakon čega slijedi ručak na brodu. Dolazak u Makarsku u kasnim popodnevnim satima. Ostatak dana slonodno za vlastite aktivnosti.


Early morning departure to the island of Korčula with a break for swimming in one of the most beautiful bays in the Korčula area that simply take your breath away. Lunch is on board. In the afternoon we’ll arrive in Korčula, the birthplace of the famous explorer Marco Polo. Free time for your own activities. Overnight is in Korčula.


Today we start the journey to the beautiful nature park – Lastovsko otočje. Breakfast on board is served during sailing. Before arrival, a break for swimming in bays surrounded by pristine nature and blue sea is planned. Lunch is served on board and arrival at Lastovo will be in the afternoon. Upon arrival, you’ll have free time for your own activities. After the return to the ship in the evening, there is the captain’s dinner on board. Overnight is in Lastovo.


We leave Lastovo early in the morning and, with breakfast on board, we set off for Vis with a break for swimming in the beautiful cove with crystal clear sea. Arrival in Vis is planned after lunch, in the afternoon. After arrival, there will be free time for your own activities. Overnight is on Vis.


Danas krećemo put Hvara. Prije dolaska u Hvar, posjetit ćemo Modru Špilju (ukoliko vremenski uvjeti dozvole), uz mogućnost fakultativne doplate za razgled – ulaznica se plaća na licu mjesta cca 20EUR te ćete svjedočiti njenoj ljepoti i uživati u srebrnom plavetnilu koja ju čini posebnom.  Dolazak u Hvar u popodnevnim satima. Ručak na brodu. Poslijepodne slobodno za vlastite aktivnosti. Noćenje Hvar.


U jutarnjim satima napuštamo Hvar i uz doručak na brodu krećemo prema Šibeniku, našoj posljednjoj destinaciji. Stanka za kupanje (ako vremenski uvjeti dopuste) i ručak na brodu. Planirani dolazak predviđen oko 16h. Noćenje Šibenik.


Nakon doručka ostaju još samo riječi “do skorog viđenja”. Nadamo se da ćemo vas uskoro opet vidjeti na palubi broda! Iskrcaj sa broda do 08:00h ujutro.

Value more

During the entire trip Ana Bučević will maintain daily: morning exercises, meditations, lecture after lunch, socializing on the ship... The final schedule of the program will be adjusted daily to the wishes of the passengers, depending on the cruise program itself and other activities during the trip.

The idea of the Vortex Cruise is to give you clarity about creating your own life through practice with Ana, along with a unique experience of merging with nature, rest, beautiful destinations, education, relaxation, new friendships that will remain in your memory forever. The daily program designed under Ana’s leadership is a guarantee that you will get much more than expected on this Cruise. See you on the Vortex Cruise!

  • We recommend payment of cancellation insurance.
  • In the case that any passenger causes a danger on board or endangers the safety of other passengers in any other way, the travel organizer reserves the right to cancel the trip for such a person without the right to any type of compensation. Guests should respect the rules of behavior on board and especially the ban on bringing in food and drinks. Rules of conduct are posted on the ship and they are always available with its purpose to protect passengers during navigation.
  • In case of bad weather or some other unfavorable conditions, the captain reserves the right to change the route, all in order to ensure the safety of the ship and passengers.
  • Due to the specific conditions in the ports, the ships are moored side by side so that when entering/exiting the ship passengers have to pass from ship to ship across the space between each ship.
  • Movement between ships is the responsibility of individuals.
  • Smoking in the cabins and restaurant is strictly prohibited.
  • In case of special diet/allergies, please indicate that at the point of sale while booking.
  • Passengers are asked to respect the meal times on board, as well as the departure times from individual ports.
  • The captain and crew will be at your disposal for all questions on board.


      • deck cabins are located on the lower and main decks
      • all cabins are air-conditioned, have their own shower/toilet
      • the captain reserves the right to change the route in case of bad weather conditions
      • prijava putnika subotom od 12:00h
      • main cruise organizer: Zantium Travel d.o.o.
      • responsible organizer of workshops on board Safari duha d.o.o.
      • We recommend payment of cancellation insurance.
      • departures are guaranteed. Zantium Travel reserves the right to cancel departures in case there are less than 12 registered persons and reserves the right to change the name of the ship if there is a reason for this
      • payment on board only in cash


Prilikom rezervacije potrebno je uplatiti 100% vrijednosti aranžmana. Uplatu je potrebno izvršiti najkasnije 48 h nakon prijave na putovanje.
Troškovi otkaza rezervacije: 100%
Program je grupni. Putovanje nije prikladno za osobe sa smanjenom pokretljivošću. Usluge na ovom putovanja bit će pružene na hrvatskom jeziku.

po Vašoj konačnoj odluci i potvrdi ponude uplaćujete 100% ukupne vrijednosti aranžmana. Uplatiti možete na način da se javite na sljedeću mail adresu: cruise@zantium-travel.com
gdje ćete dobiti sve upute i dodatne informacije ukoliko su potrebne.

Plaćanje moguće online karticama ili bankovnom doznakom.

Za navedeni aranžman vrijede “Opći uvjeti i uputstva za turističke aranžmane” Zantium Travela. Prilikom prijave potpisujete ugovor o putovanju čiji su sastavni dio Opći uvjeti i uputstva za turističke aranžmane. Vašim potpisom iskazujete suglasnost sa Općim uvjetima. Prilikom prijave plaćate akontaciju 100% iznosa aranžmana čime je vaša rezervacija potvrđena. Prema zakonskim propisima pridržavamo pravo otkaza putovanja u slučaju da se ne prijavi dovoljan broj putnika potreban za realizaciju programa, pravo izmjene cijene ukoliko dođe do promjene tečaja za više od 1,5 % u odnosu na tečaj na dan izrade programa te ukoliko bi došlo do promjene cijene brodara.

Cruise price:

2900 €

or in HRK equivalent on the day of payment according to the exchange rate HRK 7.53450 for EUR 1

Booking za Vortex Cruise 2025.